
How to Treat and Prevent Cat Bites


Reading Time: 3 minutes Louise Holton has been trapping community cats since the 1970s and having them neutered, vaccinated, and returned to their colony. In the process, she has received some serious cat bites over the years. Holton, founder of Alley Cat Rescue, is always current on her tetanus vaccination. And by now, she’s a pro at treating bite […]

Dogs Veterinary Care

Treatment May Help Painful Canine Stomatitis


Reading Time: 3 minutes Zoey was a typical goofy shepherd mix. When her owner noticed excessive drooling and a reluctance to eat in the normally happy dog, she sought veterinary help. Zoey’s condition was diagnosed as canine chronic ulcerative stomatitis (CCUS). Signs of Stomatitis Dogs suffering from this disease develop severe inflammation and oral ulcers on the tongue, the […]

Dogs Veterinary Care

Dealing With a Cancer Diagnosis


Reading Time: 3 minutes Getting a cancer diagnosis for your dog is like a punch to the gut (yours). The first thing to do is to sit down and take a deep breath. Many cancers are treatable, a few are curable, and there are many ways to give your dog quality time until the end, no matter what. Where […]

Cats Dogs Fears & Anxieties Other Veterinary Care

When Vets Take Pets “To the Back”


Reading Time: 3 minutes When I worked as a vet tech many years ago, we didn’t routinely “take pets to the back” for treatment. Emergency visits, or pets not easily handled, were the exceptions. But more often than not, dogs and cats had their temperatures taken, vaccines administered, routine blood and stool samples procured, all while in the presence […]