Exotics New Pets

Leopard Geckos for Beginners


Reading Time: 4 minutes If you’ve never had a pet reptile before, the leopard gecko is a good place to start. These little lizards are charming and easier to care for than many other species. “Leopard geckos are beautiful, with lovely colors and markings, huge bright eyes and sweet faces. They are delightful to watch, curiously exploring their environment […]

Life at Home Other Veterinary Care

Social Distortion: Media Doesn’t Always Reflect Reality of Life With Exotic Pets


Reading Time: 5 minutes Capybaras were almost unknown in the United States a few years ago. Now the world’s largest rodents star in memes about how chill and friendly they are. There’s even a Tumblr of Animals Sitting on Capybaras. And if you’ve ever seen a photo of a pet capybara sitting on a sofa, there’s a good chance […]