Cats Life at Home New Pets Shelters & Fostering

Adopting a Shelter Cat? Here’s How to Prepare


Reading Time: 3 minutes June is both the ASPCA’s Adopt a Shelter Cat Month and the American Humane Association’s Adopt a Cat Month. Either way, it’s a very special month for cats. Cats definitely need adopting. According to the ASPCA, about 3.2 million cats enter shelters annually. However, only about half are adopted. While some are euthanized for medical […]

Cats Dogs Life at Home Other

Fear Free Talks to Dr. Jane Goodall


Reading Time: 4 minutes Dr. Jane Goodall hadn’t heard about Fear Free, but the idea resonates with her. Considering animal emotions is something she once fought for. It’s hard to think of Goodall as a controversial figure, but when she first began her observational notes on chimpanzee behavior at Gombe National Park in Tanzania in the early 1960s, she […]

Dogs Life at Home Training & Grooming

Dog Bites: 6 Ways to Prevent Them


Reading Time: 3 minutes No one knows how many dog bites occur each year, but the Centers for Disease Control and the American Veterinary Medical Association estimate the number is between 4.5 and 4.7 million. More than 800,000 of the people bitten receive medical attention for dog bites, and most bites happen to children, from dogs the family knows—often […]

Cats Dogs Holidays Life at Home

Food Poisoning? 13 Things Your Pet Shouldn’t Eat or Drink


Reading Time: 3 minutes The word toxic comes from the ancient Greek word toxikon, meaning “poison for arrows.” While swallowing poison darts rarely occurs among pets, here’s a list of foods that are dangerous to share with our best friends with four legs or feathers. Alcohol: Letting or encouraging pets to drink alcohol is dangerous. We know grapes are harmful […]

Cats Dogs Life at Home New Pets Other Shelters & Fostering

Save a Life at any Cost? When Rescue Isn’t


Reading Time: 3 minutes At what cost do you save a life? Or is that not even the right question to ask? What motivates this story is local dog trainer, near where I live, who was recently “outed” for alleged use of aversive methods to save lives. That in itself sounds like a contradiction, doesn’t it? When animal control […]

Activities & Enrichment Birds Cats Dogs Fears & Anxieties Holidays Life at Home Other Travel & Safety

12 Safety Tips For Happy-Pet Holidays


Cat with candles

Reading Time: 3 minutes No one wants a trip to the veterinary emergency room, a vomiting cat, or a down dog to spoil the holiday season—let alone empty out the family wallet. Here’s how to avoid mishaps and keep pets happy. Candles Burn Bright: Curiosity can kill. If a candle is knocked over, a house fire can start. A […]

Cats Dogs Fears & Anxieties Holidays Life at Home Other Training & Grooming

Pet Haunted By Halloween? How To Help


Reading Time: 3 minutes Many pets never received the memo that Halloween is supposed to be fun. They truly are spooked by all those creatures that smell like humans but resemble zombies or superheroes.  And for many pets the constant ringing of the doorbell and all the commotion is disturbing. For two reasons, ensconcing those animals in a room […]

Activities & Enrichment Life at Home Other

Turtles Need Environmental Enrichment, Too


Reading Time: 3 minutes Are you old enough to remember buying those little red-eared slider turtles at pet stores when you were a kid? Back in the day, in the 1950s and ‘60s into the early 70s, these turtles were commonly kept as pets. Typically, though, they suffered from inadequate diets and unhygienic habitats and became known for transmitting […]

Cats Dogs Fears & Anxieties Holidays Life at Home Other

Happy Halloween? For Pets, It Can Be With A Little Practice


Reading Time: 3 minutes Blah! Blah! It’s scary out there—all those pets dressed up as dinosaurs, lions, and spiders. And if you dress up your pet, you’re not alone, as more than 4.2 million dog-owning households and nearly two million cat caretakers will be treating their furry (and costumed) companions to ghoulish goodies and grisly toys this Halloween, according […]

Cats Fears & Anxieties Veterinary Care

Fear Free Handling—And Tuna—Turn Vet Visit From Sad To Glad


Reading Time: 2 minutes Does Fear Free matter? Are you kidding? Here’s an example. My own 15-year old cat, Roxy, went to the veterinarian recently for some medical issues. She’s actually fine with going into her carrier and the car ride, and in the past she has never minded the veterinary visit. This time, however, both Dr. Natalie Marks […]