Dogs Shelters & Fostering

Deprived Backgrounds Alter Dog Behavior and Cortisol Levels


Reading Time: 2 minutes Shelter dogs often come from a variety of backgrounds, some of which may include impoverished early life conditions. These adverse experiences can have lasting effects on their physiological and behavioral condition, according to a recent study investigating the impact of adverse early-life environments on the hormonal and social behavior of domestic dogs. The researchers compared […]

Activities & Enrichment Life at Home

Meeting Rabbits’ Needs Makes Them Friendlier


Reading Time: 2 minutes Rabbits are among the most popular of pets other than cats and dogs, but there’s still a lot the average bunny owner may not know about bringing out their friendly side. A recent study can shed light on what you need to know about spay/neuter status, gender, size, how the rabbits were bred and raised, […]